
You like what I am doing?

Please note, if you pay someone to burn a ROM for you then I see none of that money. Feel free to toss a donation my way. It is much appreciated and keeps me motivated.


"I feel like I just unboxed a new pin!"

"Overall, this thing is awesome, and you have already earned the equivalent of the nobel prize in pinball in my book. Feels like a brand new game now!"

"I can't stop playing. As-is right now, this game is a BLAST. It has STRATEGY NOW!"

"I must say HOLY COW! It's a game with a real challenge now! 6 games in a row and I couldn't break 100 mil! Nicely done and I tested the ball save and it works beautifully. I *like* having to shoot the force and sarlacc pit and I like the steps it takes to light them. It seems much more a players game now because of that alone!"

"Man it gets some crazy different flow now... feels awesome. Like a different table with needing these new shots. And triball is SO IMPORTANT now."

"I love all your rules changes. They are spot on, IMO. All of your changes make it a more enjoyable game.  A lot of thought behind them all. Thanks again for doing all this. The ball save alone is worth swapping out the roms, but you've made the game 'tournament material'."

"Played about 20 games tonight and wow! The big question now is 'what to go for?' instead of just hitting that ramp. It really has seemed to have opened up the game to a whole new level....working to get that Death Star has now become a real challenge as opposed to a given on the third ball. Funnily enough my two boys of 8 and 11 prefer it now as it's such more of a challenge and makes you think more about each shot. The extra speech is an added bonus and the scoring is more balanced. Have to say, loving that Extra Ball super force award, nice touch!"

"Played about 50 games with the new ROM installed and WOW!!! Love the ball save of course but the scores you can rack up with the tri-ball jackpots is amazing. It really makes mastering that shot into the death star the most important. I had a couple of great tri-ball games and scored the super jackpot three or four times and ended up with over 350 million both times. So much more fun than shooting the ramp over and over! The best part is all the undiscovered additions to the game that I haven't found yet. Hope everyone else is having as much fun with their 20th Anniversary DESW!"

"I think there should have been more praise heaped upon Chad by now, must be the new ROM owners are too busy playing! I know I've put more games on it in the few days since I got it than I did the entire year before! It is simply freaking awesome."

 "My chip arrived this afternoon, and I have been playing all day. Great work Chad, it is like having a brand new pin in the house! Money well spent."

"Thank you! Thank You! Thank You! The new Rules are awesome! I just held a small tourney with very competitive players... and they all loved the new Rom. In fact, dudes who had choice of machine in the playoff rounds chose Star Wars more than any other machine in the tourney! Proof that it was a good balanced machine for tournament play! You have taken an unbalanced but fun game... and turned it into a true winner!"

"Purchased the Star Wars Rom and just want to thank you again. It is fantastic! Destroying the Deathstar is so rewarding now, truly amazing."

"Great work. I was speechless after my 1st game. The new rules and the rearranged score layout are done perfectly."

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LETHAL WEAPON 3 Unofficial v.3.01
(last updated September 3, 2020)
"Diplomatic immunity revoked!"  This classic buddy cop pinball machine from 1992 just got better.  Improved scoring balance. Timed ball save. Smoother audio presentation. Readjusted Leo awards. Simplified Karate Kick logic. More challenging Shootout logic. Revived Getaway mode displays. All new added tournament mode. Improved light shows. Bug fixes and much, much more!
NOTE: v.3.01 corrects a bug that happens on some machines.  If you are running v.3.00 and your game is adding two balls into play when the Left Saucer (LW1) Ball Save is activated then you will want to update your CPU ROM to v.3.01. If you are already running v.3.00, then you ONLY need to update the CPU ROM to v.3.01 because the DISPLAY ROMs are unchanged and remain v.3.00. 
  • Skill shot timing has been slowed down.
    • Ball 1 has been slowed down a lot.
    • Ball 2 has been slowed down a little bit.
    • Ball 3+ is same as before.
  • Changed sound effect during Skill Shot from chimes to a simpler gun clicking.
  • Stop playing gun clicking sound effect after about 100 times during Skill Shot. Then it will be silent for about 150 times and then will click again for 100 times and repeat.
  • Removed GI flashing during Skill Shot (flasher still flashes with music).
  • Added left side flashers (near spinner) to Skill Shot.
  • Increased time for Skill Shot flasher light show to stay longer as the game waits for the player to shoot the ball into play.
  • Reduced time before resetting Left Target Bank lamps (Bullets) after Skill Shot.
  • Changed Ball Save at beginning of ball to now be 10 seconds instead of 4 switches.
  • Fixed bug that reset ball to normal gameplay when Ball Save was used and a mode was running (Getaway, Super Spin, Looping).
  • Added a 3 second Ball Save to Left Saucer (LW1) eject when not in Tri-Ball.
  • New Karate Kick logic is no longer based on average ball time (also makes game more Tournament Friendly)
  • When Karate Kick is activated:
    • If current ball time is below 100 seconds then "Lite Karate Kick" target will flash. Hit it once to relite Karate Kick.
    • If current ball time is above 100 seconds then "Lite Karate Kick" target will light solid on. Hit it once to make it flash and a second time to relite Karate Kick.
  • Renamed DMD text when Karate Kick is used from SUBWAYS RELITE KARATE KICK to TARGET RELITES KARATE KICK.
  • Karate Kick now stays active as long as Ball Save at the start of ball is active.
  • Fight Mode no longer starts randomly.  (This also makes game more Tournament Friendly.)
  • Fight Mode will only start when shooting the unlit Left Saucer (LW1).
  • Fight Mode only starts once per game via Left Saucer.  It will also be possible a second time when chosen via Super Leo FIGHT 20M award.
  • Delayed start of Fight Mode to better able player to read instructions.
  • Flippers and GI are now turned off at the very start of Fight Mode introduction instead of at the end of the introduction.
  • Added "Now!" voice call to start of Fight Mode gameplay.
  • Increased pause at end of Fight Mode to better read results.
  • Removed "explosion" sound effect from winning sounds during Fight Mode.
  • Reduced overall amount of punching and "ya!" voice calls during Fight Mode.
  • Increased regular Fight Mode award from 5M to 10M.
  • Changed logic for difficulty to adapt to the user. Always starts at the same difficulty. If player is winning, Travis should speed up. If player is losing, Travis should slow down slightly.
  • Increased Fight Mode timer so it will always end with winner reaching the top.  Previously it might sometimes end prematurely.
  • Added sound effect to 10 Million or 20 Million award if achieved.
  • Variations in game speed will cause variations in Fight Mode difficulty.  This is normal and cannot be avoided.
  • You now have the option to turn off regular Fight Mode via Adjustment 31.  This is for anyone who does not like video modes.  See below for details.
  • Increased pause for Crime Simulator start so player is better able to read the instructions better and prepare.
  • Fixed "They got away" voice call playing twice after a failed Video Mode. Now when you fail, it will say "No!" and "They got away".
  • Removed bug where "They got away" voice call would play even when Video Mode was completed with a perfect 10 out of 10 score.
  • Changed Video Mode lamp to solid on when ready and flashing when active.
  • New Shootout logic
    • Player must shoot at least one shot before it is too late.  If not, then no Uzi Awards will be given and the player will have to try again before advancing to the next Uzi Award.
    • Super Spins and Getaway awards will now also display on DMD when they are granted.
    • "Diplomatic Immunity Revoked" voice call will only play when the player successfully shoots ALL six shots for the 2M, 4M, or 6M bonus.
    • Removed the large 2M, 4M, or 6M bonus animation since it's already displayed in small letters.
  • Change behavior of Uzi Award lamps. They now flash to indicate which award is next to be activated, instead of being off and then start flashing when Shootout starts.
  • Uzi Awards are now NOT granted when draining or tilting in the middle of a Shootout.
  • Reduced Pause between 6th shot Shootout success and displaying the awards.
  • Changed default Uzi clip advancement for shootouts on orbit shots
    • BEFORE you would have to shoot these amount of shots to activate each Shootout: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6
    • UPDATE now you have to shoot these amount of shots to activate each Shootout: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6
    • Prevent advancing of Uzi clips during Super Spins to prevent interference.
    • Uzi Clips are now saved for all awards from ball to ball. Previously the Uzi Clips for the last two awards (Looping, Super Lethal Weapon) were reset from ball to ball.
    • Changed multiple orbit shot logic (repeated shots)
      • Orbit 1 = 50,000
      • Orbit 2 = 500,000
      • Orbit 3 = 1,000,000
      • Orbit 4 = 1,500,000
      • Orbit 5 = 2,000,000
      • Orbit 6+ = 2,500,000
    • Removed Leo/Super Leo logic from Orbits.
    • Removed Karate Kick logic from Orbits.
    • Removed spotting Top Lane logic from Orbits.
  • Removed "OK, OK, OK" from successful shootout voice calls.
  • Renamed all references in audits from SHOWDOWN to SHOOTOUT.
  • Changed the name and animation from SUPER SCORE back to GETAWAY.
  • Added "Step on it" voice call at start of Getaway.
  • Changed sound effect for shooting the gun to a machine gun that will now always play.
  • Light shows for LW1, LW2 & LW3 kickouts have been sped up. They look much better now!
  • Removed Top Lanes lamps and Tri-Ball Ready lamp from right saucer light show so it now looks better.
  • Stunts will now play when Tri-Ball is ready and #2 is the last to collect for a Stunt. Previously it would silently collect it and start Tri-Ball right away.
  • Pause before starting Stunt if the last number (1, 2, or 3) was just collected, to show last number collected and then the Stunt.
  • Changed the "One", "Two", and "Three!" voice calls to play sooner when activated.  Sounds more natural now.
  • Removed random voice calls from left saucer when collecting Lethal Weapon 1. Only play the "One!" voice call. Before, that random voice call was stepping over the "One!" voice call.
  • Better synchronized slate animation with the slate "click" sound effect and "Action!" voice call.
  • Change behavior of Stunts to only allow one shot with gun trigger for an extra million during Stunt animation.  Now, if you shoot too early, you do not collect the bonus.
  • Added pause when collecting LW1, LW2 or LW3 to allow DMD animation to finish.
  • Pause when collecting LW1, this will allow it to always play and not get overridden with Extra Ball if that is also lit.
  • Changed default for Adjustment 50 - Earning LW 1,2,3 from 02 (FACTORY) to 00 (EXHARD). All numbers now have to be collected in sequence in order to start a Stunt.
  • Completely reworked timings for each of the 3 stunt phases. (Some of these opening videos used to be cut short a little bit, I have fixed it now so the Phase 1 videos will all fully be displayed.  Also, no videos should be cut short anymore if Leo/Super Leo is active.)
    • Phase 1 opening animation
    • Phase 2 NOW!
    • Phase 3 ending animation
    • Increased showing 1,000,000 during Stunt slightly
  • Fixed value to always be 5 Million. Previously was random between 5M and 7M. This also makes game more Tournament Friendly.
  • Changed Murtaugh’s retirement light show. Before it was just a slowed down version of the Left Saucer Light Show. Now it is a totally different one only played during attract mode. (Looks like a panning searchlight coming from the Outhole.)
  • Decreased climbing ramp bonus values:
    • BEFORE: 3, 7, 14, 21, 31, 43, 57, 73, 91, 99 Million
    • UPDATE: 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 Million
  • Slightly reduced percentage of "'I’m driving.' 'No, I’m driving!'" voice call to be played for a ramp shot.
  • Changed sound effect for ramp entrance from long "car motor and tires screeching - bang, bang, descending sound" to simple and quick "tires screech" sound effect.
  • Sped up flasher light show that would be triggered by the ramp entrance switch. Previously, this was playing too long.
  • Extra Ball now always be lit after 17 ramp shots. (Before it would bug out after 12 shots if it was collected too often.)
  • Changed Freeway Looping lamp (on ramp sign) to be solid on when ready and flashing when active.
  • Added Spot Leo logic to EVEN ramp shots.  This means that every EVEN ramp shot will now spot a Left Bank Leo target.
  • Changed awards on ramp (Million and Extra Ball) to all be on ODD ramp shots.
  • Allow Victory Lap mode to play even when Game Awards (Adjustment 4) is to Extra Ball.  Previously, Victory Lap mode would only play when Game Awards was set to Credit.
  • Fixed timing of "What Leo wants, Leo Getz" voice call. Previously the "Leo Getz" part was playing too soon.
  • Increased pause before ejecting a ball when collecting Leo Getz.
  • Increased pause before collecting STUNT to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
  • Increased pause before EXTRA BALL LIT animation to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
  • Increased pause before LOOPING READY! animation to allow Leo’s speech bubble animation to be seen.
  • Delayed the lighting of Leo awards lamps to wait for speech bubble animation.
  • Rebalanced possible Leo award percentages for each ball.
  • Added LITE LOOPING to Leo awards. Previously it was only possible via Super Leo or Uzi Award #6.
  • Leo award LITE KARATE KICK will now relite Karate Kick instead of lighting the "Lite Karate Kick" target.
  • Rebalanced all Super Leo awards to make choice more difficult.  Previously, it was often obvious which selection to choose.
  • Changed 20 MILLION to 10 MILLION.
  • Increased Fight Mode award from 10 Million to 20 Million.
  • Renamed FIGHT MODE to FIGHT 20M.
  • Changed BANK HEIST random choice possibilities 
    • BEFORE randomly picks one of the following: 10M, 15M, 15M, 20M, 20M, 25M, 25M, 30M
    • UPDATE randomly picks one of the following: 5M, 5M, 5M, 10M, 10M, 15M, 20M, 30M
  • Fixed bug that kept the timer always running, except when Tri-Ball intro is playing. Now all events pause Super Lethal Weapon timer.
  • Changed sound effect when scoring 10 Million jackpots at the holes.
  • Changed Super Lethal Weapon light show of the Uzi lamps to repeat 2 times quickly instead of playing only once. This light show is played at start of mode and when collecting 10M jackpots.
  • Fixed bug that prevented Crazy Riggs from advancing by hitting spinners when Super Spinner was also active
  • Increased Super Spins timer from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Changed behavior of the spinner flashers to flash alternating instead of both at the same time
  • If Super Duper Pops is activated when Super Pops is already active, game will now revert to Super Pops when the Super Duper Pops timer is expired (previously, would revert to Normal Pops when Super Duper Pops timer expired).
  • Added mode ending sound effect to Super Duper Pops when timer expires.
  • Super Duper Pops timer now pauses when events happen.
  • Changed light shows for Super Pops and Super Duper Pops: 
    • Before both were the same.
    • Super Pops will now rotate 1 lit pop.
    • Super Duper Pops will now rotate 2 lit pops.
    • Light show for both have also been slowed down slightly to be more visually pleasing.
  • Increased Ball Save timer at start of Tri-Ball from 2 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • Fixed bug where the trough eject coil would fire 3 times during Tri-Ball Ball Save.
  • Fixed bug that would show TRI-BALL READY on display for a short time when it’s actually TRI-BALL RESTART.
  • Slightly delayed audio of Tri-Ball intro to better synchronize with animation.
  • Increased initial Jackpot Value from 10M to 20M.
  • Changed defaults for Adjustment 52 & 53 so now player has to hit the Drop Targets to activate Tri-Ball Ready.  Tri-Ball Ready will not automatically start by Ball 3 now.
    • BEFORE:
      • Adjustment 52 - 3 Bank Style = 03 (Easy)
      • Adjustment 53 - Spot 3 Banks = 03 (Easy)
    • UPDATE:
      • Adjustment 52 - 3 Bank Style = 02 (Medium/Factory)
      • Adjustment 53 - Spot 3 Banks = 01 (Hard)
  • Timers for Crazy Riggs, Super Spin and Getaway now pause during Tri-Ball intro.
  • Removed GI flashing from Tri-Ball Ready / Tri-Ball Restart music (flashers still flash with music).
  • Fixed bug that would restart the Jackpot Music after a restarted Tri-Ball with Jackpot.
  • Added Tri-Ball end music jingle to always play at the end of Tri-Ball, even if a jackpot was collected.
  • Increased Bonus per switch from 7,500 to 10,000.
  • Increased maximum Bonus Value from 1M to 3M.
  • Added Spot Top Lane logic to VUK (LW2 hole) when nothing else is offered.
  • Added slingshots to also increase bonus value.
  • EOB Routine has been slowed down to give the DMD time to show all bonuses and scores. Player can speed up EOB routine by holding in either flipper button.
  • Changed sound effect for Bonus Held animation.
  • Current score shown big at end of EOB will display longer.
  • Increased pause when showing all scores at end of game just before Initials/Match (for multiplayer games only).
  • Tournament Mode added to game!
  • Changed text for Adjustment 39 from NEXT GAME PROMOTION to TOURNAMENT MODE.  Default is OFF.
  • Previously used Adjustment 39 NEXT GAME PROMOTION is now hard coded into the game to alway be ON.
  • Added non-random tournament logic for Leo & Super Leo.  Awards will always be granted in same order.
  • Tournament Mode will automatically set:
    • Adjustment 3 Replay Levels to NONE
    • Adjustment 4 Game Awards to NONE
    • Adjustment 6 Limit Extra Balls to 00
    • Adjustment 16 Tilt Warnings to 02
  • If you desire no Video Modes during a tournament then see Adjustment 31 below for details.
  • Holding either flipper button during attract mode will force the game to display the last scores (when game was just turned on it will show the high score table).
  • Changed Audit & Adjustment and Diagnostics sounds.
  • Changed Adjustment 50 - LW 1-2-3 STYLE when set to 01, to be in order after 1st stunt (previously was after the 3rd stunt).
  • Renamed diagnostic name of Lamp Test for SILENT ALARM to M.BALL READY to match lamp name on playfield.
  • Renamed Adjustment 31 - CLEAN GAME EVERY to VIDEO MODES
    • Clean Game is now hard coded to 1,500 games
  • New Adjustment 31 - VIDEO MODES default is 03.
    • 00 No Video Modes
    • 01 Crime Simulator ON, Fight Mode OFF
    • 02 Crime Simulator OFF, Fight Mode ON
    • 03 All Video Modes ON
  • Adjustment 16 Tilt Warnings can now be set between 00, 01, 02, 03.  New default is 02.
  • Default High Scores increased.
  • Default Replay Value increased from 125M to 175M.
  • Replaced "OK, OK, OK" with "We’re back in action" when random voice calls are played during the game.
  • Removed "OK, OK, OK" from list of sound effects when hitting pops bumpers. Now the pop bumpers will play mostly gunshots and occasionally ricochet sound effects.
  • Removed "He's getting away" and "Police Officer" voice calls from list of sound effects for slingshots. Now slingshots will only play gunshot sound effects.
  • Removed chimes sound effect from Data East logo on Attract Mode.
  • Holding either flipper button during attract mode will force the game to display the last scores (when game was just turned on it will show the high score table).
  • Changed Instant Info screen timing to flow smoothly.
  • Coil pulse power for the launch coil in various video mode interactions (Video Mode, Stunts, Shootouts) has been reduced to minimum power. This is to preserve the coil bracket. (Can still be turned off by Adjustment 46 GUN ENABLED)
  • Enter Initials will now happen before the match animation, if a high score is achieved.
  • Changed Enter Initials music to a version that does not fade out prematurely.
  • Increased pause during GREAT GAME after high score initials entered.
  • Added music to Buy-In, was previously silent.
  • Changed match failed from "The got away" to "No!" voice call
  • Changed match win from "replay" sound effect to "I’m impressed" voice call and sound effects.
  • Increased award for Extra Ball from 1M to 5M if extra ball limit has been reached.
  • Fixed major bug when the spinners were quickly spinning that caused all DMD animations to be delayed or not play at all.
  • All displayed timers have been adjusted. They now start with a better number. e.g. instead of showing 19 seconds at start, it will show 20 seconds. (Looping, Victory Lap, Super Lethal Weapon, Crazy Riggs, Super Spins, Tri-Ball Restart, Double Jackpot)
  • All timed modes now have a "mode ending" sound effect.
  • All "now or never" timed modes (Getaway, Tri-Ball Restart, Victory Lap, and Double Jackpot) have an "alarm bell" sound effect played near the end.
  • Restarting a game will now need the start button to be held down for a couple of seconds instead of just barely pressing it.
  • Reduced GI flashing overall.  All events that flash the GI are still there, but I have reduced the amount of times the GI will flash with most events. Such as 4 times instead of 8 times or 5 times instead of 10 times.
  • Added slight pause at boot up to allow the "Were back in action" sound card boot sound to play completely.


Once again I would like to recognize Michael Spiegel for his great assistance with this project.  Michael's knowledge of pinball rules is amazing.  Soon after we were done working on Star Trek, we dove into Lethal Weapon 3 together.  Michael's analysis of the smallest details is incredible.  His suggestions, feedback, and testing were invaluable.  I would like to give another huge "THANK YOU" to Michael Spiegel!